InVision 2.2.1 Released

Another week, another release! 2.2.1 contains a few new cool and highly requested features, namely Template Columns for Worksheets and Reports, and the support for specifying both a Display Member and Value Member in spreadsheet Drop Down columns. 2.2.1 also contains a few very important bug fixes, which is described at the end of this post.


  • New Eaze functions JsonParse(text) and JsonStringify(value).
    • The JsonParse(…) function parses a JSON string, constructing the JavaScript value or object described by the string.
    • The JsonStringify(…) function converts a JavaScript value to a JSON string.
  • Regular (non-dimension) Drop Down columns in spreadsheets (Settings and Worksheets) now supports setting a Display Member Column in addition to the Value Member Column. Specifying both a Value Member and Display Member Column lets you display a different value to the user than the actual cell value that is stored in the database. For example, if the Drop Down Column contains employees, you normally want to store just the Employee Id (Value Member), but you want to display the Employee Name (Display Member) to the user. With support for the Display Member Column, you no longer have to use Secondary Update + column hiding to mimic this behavior.
  • Added support for Template Columns in Worksheets and Reports. Template Columns make it possible to render an arbitrary number of columns in Worksheets and Reports, which is typically used when you want to render the result of a query using the PIVOT relational operator.template_columns_2_2_1
  • dfcmdutil.exe now accepts a /dcfile argument, specifying the name of a JSON file defining the Data Context which should be used during the execution of the Data Flow.
  • Added support for the this-keyword in Eaze scripts. This enables you to get a reference to the current execution context in Eaze scripts (for example spreadsheet formulas), so that you can invoke custom JavaScript functions on the current data set displayed in the grid.Example usage in Eaze formulas script:
    @Value[] = my.computeLib.doAdvancedCalculation(this.Rows);


  • More informative error messages when column property expressions, such as Caption Expressions fails to evaluate, making it easier to determine the actual cause of the error
  • Changed so that Archive Worksheets are not automatically recreated / synched with the Archive Store when configuration is applied to the source Data Store, because Archive Worksheets are normally customized during project implementations. If you want InVision to recreate the Archive Worksheet, you need to delete it from the Solution and then apply configuration to the source Data Store.
  • Reports not having a connection specified, will now use the Solution Db connection string by default.


  • Fixed an issue that caused Time Frame information for archives to be linked the wrong Workflow Iteration Id. The effect of this issue was that Archive Worksheets headers were wrong.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the contents of Setting Archives and Data Store Archives to be deleted after schema changes to the source Setting and Data Stores were applied.
  • Fixed an issue causing the tiles on the client landing page to be misaligned when Workbooks have long names.
  • Fixed an issue in the Data Flow Item Execution Queue manager that may cause an excessive amount of queries to be issed against pbAppFrameworkDB, putting unnecessary high load on the database server.

GETTING the bits
InVision 2.2.1 Installation Manager
 can be downloaded from \pbsndfile\Installs\D – Software\ProfitBase\Profitbase InVision\2.2.1 or using the command prompt.

DMT can be downloaded from \pbsndfile\Installs\D – Software\ProfitBase\Profitbase InVision\2.2.1\Tools

INSTALLING InVision 2.2.1

  1. Download and install Profitbase Installation Manager,
  2. Run Profitbase Installation Manager and install a new instance of InVision.
  3. If you’re developing a Finance or Loan Portofolio Manager Solution, go the Installed Instances tab, select the instance you installed and click “Add Engine” to install the required function library.

UPGRADING to InVision 2.2.1 from 2.2.0
Simply run the Profitbase Installation Manager, and choose which installed instance you want to upgrade.

UPGRADING to InVision 2.2.1 from 2.1.x
When upgrading to 2.2.1 from 2.1.x, you need to:

  1. Download and install a new version of the Profitbase Installation Manager from the location above.
    Note! You should not uninstall the previous version, it will automatically upgrade itself when you run the .exe.
  2. Run Installation Manager, select the installed instance you want to upgrade and hit ‘Upgrade’.
    You no longer have to run the mvt tool to upgrade the database, or manually recompile any themes. This is all done automatically by the Installation Manager during the upgrade.

UPGRADING to InVision 2.2.1 from versions prior to 2.1.0
All versions starting from 2.1.0 share the same upgrade routines.
The release notes for version 2.1 contains detalis on how to upgrade from 1.0 and 2.0 to 2.1.x.

-The InVision Team