Profitbase Flow released!

We are super excited to announce the release of Profitbase Flow, our new digital process automation and data integration platform!

What is Profitbase Flow?

Profitbase Flow enables businesses to automate digital processes and integrate data from various sources through a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface.

Why Profitbase Flow?

With Profitbase Flow, we aim to provide the best tool for the office of finance to automate digital work processes within the organization, save time and increase efficiency and accuracy.

Our goal is to reduce the time our customers have to spend on technical challenges and manual processes, so they can focus on actual business value creation instead. We built Profitbase Flow to address common challenges we see all our customers face, and provide an option to solve them all on a single platform.

Digital Process Automation

  • Create, visualize, and manage complex business processes with a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface.
  • Orchestrate processes and data flows between different business systems.
  • Monitor and respond to events from external systems, such as incoming emails, message brokers, or changes in 3rd party applications.

Data Integration

  • Easily connect to various data sources, including databases, APIs, cloud services and ERP systems.
  • Transform, cleanse, validate and enrich data as it flows through the system to ensure data quality and consistency
  • Keep data synchronized across systems in rea-time or on a scheduled basis to support up-to-date decision making.

Business rules and high-performance calculations over large volumes of data

  • Build business rules engines for any type of business are, including finance, operations, IT, HT, sales and marketing
  • Perform complex calculations over large volumes of data at high speed to get immediate feedback on input

Build APIs

  • Make your services and data available through highly available and secure APIs.

Read more about Profitbase Flow here.