Just in time for Christmas, we’re shipping a new version of InVision (and Flow) with new features and improvements. Our main focus for InVision is improvements to existing features and usability, while Flow is receiving a lot of new features with focus on business logic, data integrations and ease of use. Our goal is to ensure that InVision and Flow feels truly integrated, and make Flow the main tool for defining business logic for InVision solutions.
Work Process
View log of previous Version deployment
You can now view the log of the previous status change operation (Deploy, Open, Close) of a Work Process Version. This makes it easier to review any issues during the operation later.

Dimensions and dimension management
Create a copy of a dimension from the Dimension Editor
You can now create a copy of a dimension directly from the Workbook Dimension Editor, meaning you don’t have to use the Designer to do this. This makes it easy for business users to create multiple versions of a dimension, and then publish that version to select forecast or budget versions.

Changes to Publish Dimension
The Publish Dimension dialog has the following changes
- You can now publish to any dimension that matches the schema of the dimension you are publishing from. Having a matching schema means having matching columns and data types.
- When publishing a dimension, you now have to explicitly specify that you want to publish to other versions or solutions before you can select which other dimensions you want to publish to. This change was introduced because users too often inadvertently publishes to dimensions they don’t mean to.

New editing options
You can configure which editing an publishing options are available for a dimension in the Dimension Editor. This includes:
- Whether or not a dimension can be published to. You typically want to disable this option for most Primary dimensions.
- Whether or not users can edit the contents of the dimension from the Dimension Editor. You often want to disable this option for dimensions in blueprint or versioned solutions.
- Whether or not users can make a copy of the dimension from the Dimension Editor. It’s up to you to decide whether you want to enable this option or not. For example, if you create a solution for users to create multiple reporting structures for Power BI, you want to enable this option. If you create a solution where it does not make sense to have more than one version of a dimension, you should disable this option.

Tab controls
- The Workbook Tab Control now raises the Selection Changed event when a tab is selected programmatically or by a user. This enables developers to define business logic to run when a tab is selected.
- You can now register a callback function for the SelectionChanged event which is raised when the selected tab is changed programmatically or by a user. Read more here: Tab control events
Language and regional settings
Users can now specify different preferences for language and regional settings, meaning formatting of dates and numbers are independent of language. A typical example is if you want the text in the UI to be English, but you want Norwegian date and number formatting.

We’ve added multiple enhancements that makes saving data to Worksheets, Tables and Dimensions much faster. The performance improvements are especially noticeable for customers with many Work Process Versions.
Flow integration
You can now navigate directly to Flow from the Workbook Menu. This makes it easy for business users to jump into the business logic directly from Workbooks instead of having to open the Flow Portal manually, or through the InVision Designer.

That’s all folks!