InVision 2.2.0 Released

InVision 2.2.0 is ready for use and contains both new features, enhancements and bug fixes to earlier version. If you plan to upgrade an existing InVision solution, it is important that you upgrade the Profitbase Installation Manager first.


  • Distributer, Spawner and Cell Adapter Computation Source Columns now supports specifying a C# Processing Condition expression for conditionally executing the operation. The expression is being evaluated for each row and each Computation Source Column. This gives you more control over the processing pipeline, and lets you move logic out of the Ruleset tables (away from the end users) and into the core configuration.
  • New option “Enable Even Distribution Key Fallback” for Computation Source Columns in the Distributer. If this option is enabled, the Distributer will apply an even distribution to create transactions if no distribution key is found for the source row based on the Relationship, Type Id and Distribution Key Name configuration.
  • Using the SYS_DataSetID (Data Context) variable in a Data Flow Workbook Component, while forgetting to register the Workbook in a Workflow, will now raise an error when executing the Data Flow from the Workbook. The reason for this change is to prevent accidently forgetting to configure the Data Context correctly, which in turn will lead to incorrect data being produced by the Transaction Pipeline and simulation engines.
  • Added support for browsing data for View and Setting nodes in the Solution Object Graph view (Solution start page), making it easier to examine the flow of the data through solutions.
  • The TOSTRING Eaze function now optionally accepts a format string as the second parameter, allowing numbers and Dates to be formatted using the specified format string. This is especially useful for formatting text in Label Components.
  • Datetime yAxis type for charts are now supported
  • Added support for custom value formatter functions for Worksheet, Report and Setting columns. This enables you to write custom JavaScript code that returns the value to be displayed in cells.
  • Added Data Flow Item Task supporting running command line processes, for example an .exe, Powershell or Python script.You can use both absolute and relative paths for running a process.
  • Added Data Flow Item Task for manually recompiling Ranked Input (setting) Tables that references a Dimension. This is very useful when you modify a dimension using a custom SQL script or through some other custom process, and needs to make sure that the changes are reflected in the compiled data set of any Ranked Input table referencing the Dimension.
  • Added support for Solid Gauge chart series
  • Added support for specifying a Data Point Factory function for chart series. This enables you to add additional configuration to data points in a chart series and optionally modify the data points created by the system.
  • Contents of Ranked Input Tables are imported and compiled as part of the template deployment process. An important benefit from this feature is that deploying templates such as the FRS requires fewer manual steps after deployment.
  • Added new option Use Restore Mode to the template deployment wizard. This makes the template deployment process run much quicker as it just restores the template package without generating any new unique ids for its content. As an example, the Finance Reference Solution will deploy in approximately 5 minutes with this option enabled, while it takes more than 1 hour with Restore Mode turned off.
    Note! Although this method is quicker, it also means that you can only deploy a template one time to the same solution database when this option is used.


  • We have temporarily removed the requirement to download a license and activate the software. This function will probably return in a later version, but we need some additional time to decide the most practical route to take.
  • Permissions applied to dimensions are now honored in Ranked Input editors for Setting Columns
  • New theme color settings for selected Page Navbar item and marker. This means that when you upgrade from a previous version, and have created a custom theme, you might need to modify the @workbook-pagenav-item-color-active and @workbook-pagenav-item-activemarker-background-color to make them fit your theme (depending on the color scheme you’ve used for the custom theme).
  • For Dropdown Form Elements, the selected value of the Form Element variable before it has been changed by the user now returns the [Value, DisplayMember] object and not just the value. This change was made to make it consistent with how you get the [Value, DisplayMember] value through the @Event.Data variable after a user selection.
  • All rows in the spreadsheet can now be copied to the clipboard. The previous limitation of 1000 rows has been removed.
  • When creating new reports, table reports are now enabled by default and also set as the default startup view mode.
  • In the SetFilterValue action, SetIf(condition,value) can now be called multiple times, and the last successfully evaluated condition specifies the value to be selected. This enables you to specify multiple alternatives for which filter value to set, much like a if-else statement.
  • Added more robust error handling to the Data Flow Task Dispatcher, so that the process will not terminate if critical runtime errors occur.


  • Fixed issue with creation of multiple instances of the TreeView popup dialog when a Popup TreeView Filter was launched from within a popup page
  • Fixed issue with Rollover for Data Stores failing when change tracking was enabled
  • Fixed issue with loading filter data when a custom filter parameter is used in the slice expression and at the same time, access control is enabled for the source dimension.
  • Fixed bug which caused a user to be deleted from all user groups when it was deleted from just one
  • Rectangle Workbook Component now sizes correctly in IE
  • Fixed issue where the user was not able to insert a new row to an empty spreadsheet when the Summary Row was enabled.
  • Fixed issue that caused a drop down filter to not display the selected value when the SetFilterValue action was executed.
  • Fixed issue that caused drop downs to not close properly when they were reopened too quickly after being closed the first time.
  • Added support for handling the infamous IDX10311 issue when the OpenId Connect authentication protocol is enabled (for example Azure AD authentication).

GETTING the bits
InVision 2.2.0 Installation Manager
 can be downloaded from \pbsndfile\Installs\D – Software\ProfitBase\Profitbase InVision\2.2.0 or using the command prompt.

MVT and DMT can be downloaded from \pbsndfile\Installs\D – Software\ProfitBase\Profitbase InVision\2.2.0\Tools

INSTALLING InVision 2.2.0

  1. Download and install Profitbase Installation Manager,
  2. Run Profitbase Installation Manager and install a new instance of InVision.
  3. If you’re developing a Finance or Loan Portofolio Manager Solution, go the Installed Instances tab, select the instance you installed and click “Add Engine” to install the required function library.

UPGRADING to InVision 2.2.0 from 2.1.x
When upgrading to 2.2.0 from 2.1.x, you need to:

  1. Download and install a new version of the Profitbase Installation Manager from the location above.
    Note! You should not uninstall the previous version, it will automatically upgrade itself when you run the .exe.
  2. Run Installation Manager, select the installed instance you want to upgrade and hit ‘Upgrade’.
    You no longer have to run the mvt tool to upgrade the database, or manually recompile any themes. This is all done automatically by the Installation Manager during the upgrade.

UPGRADING to InVision 2.2.0 from versions prior to 2.1.0
All versions starting from 2.1.x share the same upgrade routines. The release notes for version 2.1 contains detalis on how to upgrade from 1.0 and 2.0 to 2.1.x.

-The InVision Team