Extracting MSI files from the installer .exe

Profitbase software is normally installed by running an installer .exe-file. The .exe-files act as bootstrappers for reading the content of the .MSI-file, checking if the required version of the Windows Installer is installed on the system, and then launches the .MSI that takes care of the actual installation of the product.
If […]

Building a claims aware ASP.NET web application

This post is a follow up to my previous post about Building a claims aware WCF Service using Windows Identity Foundation. This time, I’ll lay out the steps needed to secure access to a ASP.NET web application using Windows Identity Foundation.
1) Go to the STS application and add the following code to Default.aspx: […]

Windows Identity Foundation – a good starting point

Getting started with WIF may be a bit confusing, so a good starting point at understanding the basics of WIF is the MSDN section A Guide to Claims-Based Identity and Access Control.  In particular, the topic Claims-Based Single Sign-On for the Web explains the basic plumbing of WIF and roles of the config sections in […]

Activity Start Interval in the Parallel Activity

A Data Flow Parallel Activity has a setting called “Activity Start Interval”. Activity Start Interval specifies the time in seconds elapsed between the start of each activity. For example, if the value is 0.2, the activities will start at a 0.2 seconds interval. The reason you’d want to use this setting is that on some […]

WCF Routing Service and custom filters

WCF 4 now has a built-in way for routing WCF service calls, the System.ServiceModel.Routing.RoutingService, found in System.ServiceModel.Routing.dll. There are several reasons you may want to use routing, for example exposing just a single endpoint even though you have several services or routing messages throught multiple routers within a system. The routing is done […]

Categories WCF

Getting a security error when importing or exporting templates

You may get the following error message when importing or exporting templates to the Profitbase Template Store.

“An error occurred when verifying the security for the message”
or a message similar to this
“The security timestamp is invalid because its creation time (‘8/262008 1:45:51 PM’) is in the future”
If you get this error message, please make sure that your Date and […]

Setting the Run As property to SQL Authentication gives “Object reference not set to an instance of an object” error message

When setting the Run As property to SQL Authentication, you may get the following error message when you click the User Name text box: “Object reference not set to an instance of an object”. 
This is caused by a bug in .NET Framework 3.5 (SP1), but is reported to be fixed in .NET 4.0.
To work around the issue, you […]